Tag: feature extraction


Classifying animal sounds

Together with a team at Department of intelligent systems we started a machine learning-based approach to recognize different types of animal species based on the sound they produce. Currently supported species are Bumblebees, Birds, And Frogs. Website: http://animal-sounds.ijs.si A. Gradisek et al.: How to Recognize Animal Species Based On Sound – A Case Study On …


Daily Living Dynamics

An analysis of daily-living behavior is an important approach to assess the wellbeing of an elderly person that lives at home alone. This study focuses on approaches to monitoring an individual in the home environment by an ambient-intelligence system in order to detect anomalies in daily-living patterns. We propose a method that is based on …

News, Publication

Book: Instant Weka How-to

Author: B. Kaluža Pack Publishing, UK (ISBN : 1782163867) Data mining has become one of the hottest topics in computer science, mainly due to the vast amounts of data in diverse applications such as market basket analysis, reactive business intelligence, human genome sequence mining, speech recognition, document search, and spam detection. Instant Weka How-to shows …