
Suspicious Pattern Detection

In many multiagent domains, no single observation event is sufficient to determine that the behavior of individuals is suspicious. Instead, suspiciousness must be inferred from a combination of multiple events, where events refer to the individual’s interactions with other individuals. Hence, a detection system must employ a detector that combines evidence from multiple events, in contrast to most previous work, which focuses on the detection of a single, clearly suspicious event. We studied several detectors and proposed a novel F-UPR detector. The evaluation was preformed in a simulated airport domain, where the goal is to catch a suspicious passenger that avoids security personnel while trying to achieve a secured point. This is a joint work with Milind Tambe and Gal Kaminka during my nine-moth visit at USC Teamcore Research Group.

Relevant papers:
B. Kaluža, G. Kaminka, M. Tambe. Detection of Suspicious Behavior from a Sparse Set of Multiagent Interactions. AAMAS 2012. [pdf]